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#EION CURE FOR EMF BURNS REF 1:00 11/10/2024

I have 4th Degree Burns and was Told by Tauranga Hospital Doctors that I had a Psychosis and Not a Medical Condition. You can see the burns by taking a filtered shot of the skin. They don't hurt because they have burnt the nerves and are below the dermis.  They are 4th degree burns. They hurt if I get caught by LED lights. REF: After 3 trips to the Tauranga Hospital, and 3 different doctors evaluating me, I was finally told it was all in my head. Nice doctors but I could see there was no convincing an academically trained doctor because of the psychology involved in their training/brainwashing. They are taught to only regurgitate what they have read and their GOD is the WHO. Another emotionally barren organisation established by the WEF to sell policies created by the bad Germans in the Social Engineering transition of the 1945's by President FD Roosevelt (Democrat/Labour). Back to the psychology involved in this cons

Smart Meters now use Radio Waves

Long Covid and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity look to have the same Medical Symptoms Point 1: Powerlines are safe because they use no Radio Waves  EMF from powerlines are considered safe because they have no radio waves.  If they did have radio waves, according to the MOH and WHO, they could present health issues but we have no such issues in our health system - apparently. REF: Point 2: Smart Meters Use Radio Waves Smart Meters use a cellphone chip and transmit data every 30 minute, so therefore, Radio Wave dangers exist. REF: REF: According to the WHO, the sickness created by over exposure to radio waves is Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Point 3: What are the symptoms of Electromagnetic Hypersensit

Water is your friend

EMR - This is what EMF looks like Radiation is cumulative. It sits in your bones and organs. Once exposed, if you do not get rid of the locked-in radiation, the next time you get irradiated, it adds toxicity to the last time you were irradiated. I have had 4 major radiation events in my life. The past three times have caused me to get very sick. The problem for society is that people have had no experience with radiation and yet, the next 5 years are going to see radiation EMF levels skyrocket, and no one will be prepared for the outcome. This is a very real scourge. The Situation LED Lights are everywhere. They release negative ions which embed in the walls, floors, equipment, and the bodily tissues of you, your children, and your pets. Power outlets release positive ions, even when switched off, which are attracted to the negative ions that have embedded in your home, work environment, streets, and tissues. As time progresses, your body will accumulate radiation as a result of this m

How I was exposed to Electro Magnetic Radiation

First Time 1984 Ian Stephenson Infantry I used to be in the NZ Army Regular Forces based in Waiouru.  Whilst I was in Officer Cadet School, and during many exercises over many years, I would work alongside the CO's of various Platoons and operate as Intel and Signals. I carried an AN/PRC 77 Radio with spares just like this one. At Waiouru, we had an installation just like this one, and that would provide the communications, One day I got sick and the doctor told me I had been exposed to too much radiation from the radio and my duties were changed. My symptoms today are the same as they were then, but civilian doctors are simply not aware of military exposure level issues. Second Time 1992 I have been a programmer for 30+ years and have sat in front of monitors for all that time. CRT Monitors create a huge amount of EMF One day my business partner bought me the largest CRT monitor you could get. It was very heavy and took

I think I have found the cure

 I can't stay on this PC for long. Every EMF-producing device is like the sun. My skin is already burnt underneath the outer layer from, I guess, protons. But I have worked out a solution. I'm better today than I was yesterday. There are so many things to do to correct this. I can't just give one thing and I can tell that I have sustained more damaged in the process of trying to figure it all out. Today I am working on getting my EMF exposure down to zero. Then I can tell you how I solved my condition. Salt baths extinguish the symptoms as long as the bathroom doesn't have an LED bulb. THE LED PROTON EXCHANGE MECHANISIM:  The LED bulb transfers electricity into light energy. But when that light energy hits a surface, the light energy is transferred back into another type of energy. The question is: 'What is that energy?' #eion

I am like a rechargeable battery

I have worked out how to clear the EMF Radiation from my body. It seems that there are 3 areas where EMF presents an issue: a) EMF Radiation from any power source b) Radiation from LED Protons c) WIFI EMF Radiation As I pass by any of these things, I notice a number of things happening:- 1. My tinnitus changes pitch 2. Increased pressure on previous injuries 3. Pressure on the top of my heart, I think 4. Thoughts start to become difficult to express 5. Pressure in the head. It's not a headache. 6. Balance is affected for a moment But I seem to function 100% Monday. Switch power off and work out what switches can be off Check EMF (No matter what you do, EMF is in the walls) Find a safe place where EMF is low Can you live in a makeshift arrangement? I can Replace LED lights with incandescent Recover Rules Don't touch phone Keep away from all sources of EMF Bathe in salt + baking soda solution after exposure (there is more to it than this) Mercury phone call Do you have the health

Ministry Of Health OIR

  Is the EMF coming from the Scientific and Industrial Network WIFI Mesh that may have been deployed in 2020? I have sent an OIR to the Ministry of Health. 2:53 pm 26/09/2024 Thinking about sending this one: FROM: Ian Stephenson 26/09/2024 Dear Sir/Madam OFFICIAL INFORMATION REQUEST 26/09/2024 The rapid analysis of this OIA could be beneficial to everyone and so I send the request to people of influence. Synopsis For the past 4 weeks I have been sick. At first, I thought the symptoms could be long covid, but after four weeks of investigation and trying to eliminate the sickness, I have been able to identify that long covid symptoms are the same as for EMF Radiation. In figuring this out, I have considerably improved my condition by removing devices and systems that were increasing my exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) and I wonder if this is the solution for everyone? Examples that reduce EMF Exposure 1. Removing the Smart Meter 2. Switch off power sockets 3. Do not charge you

Harmful Radiation from EFTPOS Terminals

  I install POS Software and am always working with the health and safety of customers and staff. The EMF requirements are laid down in the NZ Standards and Safety Data Sheet of the equipment. I found some very disturbing EMF readings at my last job and placed a query into the supplier: Readings at the site This is the equipment's Safety Data Sheet Link: T650c Safety Data Sheet   Excerpt: RF Exposure This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. To comply with Council Recommendation Radio Equipment 2014/35/EU, UK Radio Equipment Regulations 2017 SI 2017/1206, ISED RSS-102 and FCC RF exposure requirement, a minimum separation distance of 20 cm must be maintained between the user's body and the device, including the antenna. Conditions that do not meet these requirements may not comply with Council Recommendations 2014/35/EU, UK Radio Equipment Regulations 2017 SI 2017/1206, ISED RSS-102, and FCC RF exposure requirements a

I am in hospital

This is what my condition looks like It is 1:44 am on 21/09/2024 and I am off to the Tauranga Hospital to see if the doctors can help diagnose my condition. I am patient zero who is asking if what the medical profession call 'Long Covid' is actually radiation poisoning caused by the rollout of untested power supply 'Smart Meters' and other devices which started in 2020. To understand what my condition is like, imagine that you have sunburn from sunbathing in the invisible rays of the Sun. Instead of getting into the shade, you stay in the sun and continue to burn. That is how it feels. With EMF radiation, one of the extreme conditions can be that your skin will turn blotchy red but you won't get a tan. You will simply just burn on the inside. EMF pollution is as real as any other type of pollution. We used to recognise the dangers of EMF but since the rollout of the multi billion dollar 5G network, we seem to have dispensed with the safety precautions and EMF is eve

Is EMF Radiation causing Long Covid?

Is this the cause of Long Covid? TOPIC 1: The 2020 rollout of the 5G Industry and Scientific Mesh Network System in New Zealand Thank goodness for Covid and the lockdowns because if it wasn't for these events, we may have all noticed the new infrastructure being installed in our homes, buildings, and roads! New equipment installed while we were in lockdown. Since 2020, the very beginning of Covid, and during the lockdowns, the new 5G Industry and Science WIFI Mesh Network system has been in progressive deployment  copyright Through your electricity supplier, your new 'Smart Meter' connects your house to this network. Effectively, your household wiring system and smart equipment such as smart phones, now act as nodes within this new network. Any smart device connected to the electrical supply will emit very large amounts of harmful radiation. For example, the following video shows the normal EMF radiation emitted by your cellphone when now being charged. Ima

Are the Symptoms of Long Covid Being Created By Your Smart Meter?

Part 1: 21/09/2024 For the last twelve months, I have been working from my spare bedroom. I have a lot of programming to do and need to focus, so this was my best work option. I set up a computer in the room and now I sleep and work in the same room. Two months ago, I was working with a client who was sick for no apparent reason. They were tired, couldn't sleep, had digestive problems, sore eyes, and brain fog. I had been working with this client for over a year and this was a new condition in his life, but on that day, I noticed something different on his desk. It was a new WI-FI booster. I am a professional IT installer with over 30 years experience. I know there are problems with having an RF Device so close to you. It is against health and safety research and standards to have such a device so close.  After 2 hours, we concluded our business and I left. When I got into my vehicle, I felt sick. I ignored it and carried on home. This sickness did not go away though. I thought I m