Note for government associates:
We, the laypeople who have done the research into the mRNA injection have not yet been convinced by solid evidence that the mRNA injection is safe. Many reports of death and harm have come to our attention and the total lack of transparency is overwhelming. Coercion is being used to force people to partake in the experiment. We have now been positioned as 'the problem' and we feel betrayed by our leaders who we helped put into power. You need to convince us with actual facts. Theories are all well and good, but it is our lives and our families' lives you are putting at risk in your hypothesis. Make it real and understand, this is not over. If you want our help: tell us the truth, stop covering things up, and stop blaming us for being cautious. Long-term tests of the mRNA have not been done. Please listen to our concerns and focus on solid answers without hypothesis being the foundation.This is the way forward as opposed to locking us up.
Where did the idea that the issue was the unvaccinated come from?
1: Reduction in Covid Deaths observed
- What goes up must come down. This is a statistical rule (Link). We can see the virus death rate peaks at 3 months in both the India and USA statistics even though India is not vaccinated so therefore we have observed a natural cycle of the virus. This cycle has not been influenced by the vaccine else the results in USA would be far better than that of India.
- In USA, the peak was during the flu season.
- The aged would be very depressed at not being allowed to see grandchildren
- The psychology of Covid-19 death would be on their minds constantly
- It is flu season
- Emotional state is capable of causing death.
- Once the people with weak immune systems were lost, the stronger would prevail but they would still pass away in lesser numbers
- Being in an aged care facility with shared ventilation would mean all occupants would contract the virus. I am sure this was resolved at some time during the pandemic and transmission was reduced, but this has not improved the USA statistics of death.
- Flu season over
- Lockdowns
- Mask wearing
- Most vulnerable succumbed early and once gone, the more naturally immune resisted the effects of the virus better
- Natural immunity was starting to take effect
The Unvaccinated are not the problem
"Fake it until you make it!" The Mantra of D Trump
The number of deaths since the vaccination have not gone down and have at least doubled in the USA (60% fully vaccinated) .
In Summary
Email asking for more information. 07/12/2021 - 13:11 hrs
Conversation with CARM
7/12/2021: 12:30
I had a good talk with a lady from CARM and here is what we discussed.
Q: Why is the issue the unvaccinated?
A: The idea is that the unvaccinated have more chance of ending up in hospital so therefore we are excluding them from activities. A reasonable idea. However, the vaccinated are capable of the same infection and transmission of the virus. But if they can come out and get businesses functioning, that is a big help.
A: Having an unvaccinated person around your home is worrying. However both vaxxed/unvaxxed have the same infection and transmission rates.
If you consider that a vaxxed person who has just come back from holiday is safer to be in your home than an unvaccinated person, then you are misleading yourself.
However, because you are vaxxed you are less likely to end up in hospital and take up a bed.
MY TAKE: If I am un-vaxxed, I can develop natural immunity whereas the vaccinated do not appear to develop natural immunity and require the mRNA boosters. These boosters wear off and your chances of hospitalisation return to normal. As a naturally immune person my immunity can continue to develop. Natural immunity covers you for the entire virus whereas the mRNA protein spike immunity concept only covers you for the spike. You are not protected from variants and in the case of Omicron, it would appear as if the vaccine provides no particular protection, so you are at this moment, a hospital-susceptible individual, irrespective of your vaccination status.
The mRNA injection does not:
- give you immunity
- reduce your ability to transmit the virus
- protect you from variants
Omicron is predicted to be everywhere by the 18/1/2022 and the current mRNA injection does not protect you. The idea that the problem is the unvaccinated is at best a theory and one that, if continued, is going to cause multiple problems.
FACTS: The Irish Times - 54% of hospital patients with virus are fully vaccinated. (Link)
Some of the people we lost to the virus.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
The idea: 'The issue is the unvaccinated"
COVID-19 clinical advice and vaccinator assistance from 8am-8pm, seven days. If you are a vaccinator or work in health with a question that isn’t answered on our website, please feel free to get in touch using the form below. You can also reach out to your regional facilitator for help.
Phone: 0800 466 863
Naturopathic Doctors Discussing Health, Medicine and Vaccines
This web site was given to me by IMAC
This is a good website for naturopaths but is not the foundation of the idea.
The New Zealand Pharmacovigilance Centre consists of synergistic monitoring programs that contribute to and support the safety of medicines and related products in New Zealand through voluntary reporting of adverse events
Ph call: A good call. Basically:
USA Statistics (file available)
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