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I am in hospital

This is what my condition looks like

It is 1:44 am on 21/09/2024 and I am off to the Tauranga Hospital to see if the doctors can help diagnose my condition. I am patient zero who is asking if what the medical profession call 'Long Covid' is actually radiation poisoning caused by the rollout of untested power supply 'Smart Meters' and other devices which started in 2020.

To understand what my condition is like, imagine that you have sunburn from sunbathing in the invisible rays of the Sun. Instead of getting into the shade, you stay in the sun and continue to burn. That is how it feels. With EMF radiation, one of the extreme conditions can be that your skin will turn blotchy red but you won't get a tan. You will simply just burn on the inside.

EMF pollution is as real as any other type of pollution. We used to recognise the dangers of EMF but since the rollout of the multi billion dollar 5G network, we seem to have dispensed with the safety precautions and EMF is everywhere, particularly since 2020 (the year of Covid).

It seems that in the new age, we no longer worry about the detrimental effects on every human being's health caused by electromagnetic radiation because we are all so excited to have fast and consistent Internet, even though it is potentially reducing our lifespan and increasing our risk of disease and ill health. Just sitting in the hospital, I can feel the burning sensation caused by the EMF in the waiting room.

EMF Radiation Measure at Tauranga Hospital Waiting Room

My symptoms
  1. Tingling skin
  2. Brain fog
  3. Unstable movement
  4. Jitters
  5. Inflamed mouth lymph node
  6. Aches
  7. Fluctuating tinnitus
  8. Heat

These symptoms are exactly the same as long covid. However, these symptoms reduce dramatically when I turn off all the power in the house or go away to a forest. 

A strange thing though, even with all the power off, or the complete disconnection of the Internet at home, the EMF still reads high on the EMF meter.

Night-time EMF with Internet Switched off

Why? I have tested our home many times for EMF and never found anything of significance and yet now, it is everywhere! This doesn't seem possible. It is a very serious health hazard and requires further investigation.

2:43 am. Still waiting for a doctor. Vital signs are normal, temperature is correct, and blood tests have been taken. I can see from the general conversations that the staff here know nothing about EMF. I know this will be a challenge for them to recognise, so I had best be carefully on how I present my case.

1. I have an EMF meter
2. I point it to my body and it reads EMF
3. That is not normal

5:30 am and my blood tests have come back and I am now with the doctor.
The Doctor recognises that my symptoms are similar to Long Covid, however she has no knowledge about EMF Radiation Poisoning as it is not a topic they cover in their medical study. I can see she is skeptical, or should I say, unsure as to how to progress. She confirms that in both cases, they have no  ability to diagnose or recommend a course of action. In every case of Long Covid, there is no test to confirm the condition. Only the individual's statement provides the basis for the diagnosis, just like EMF Poisoning.

My Discharge Sheet:

Is the EMF Radiation coming from the Smart Meter?
After some battling, the electrical company is removing the Smart Meter and replacing it with the old analog meter.

My home is 35M from the closest building.
When the Smart Meter is removed, we should be isolated from the Smart Meter WIFI Mesh.
If when removed, the EMF goes away, we have found the source of the EMF pollution that is causing the radiation harm.

The removal happens today (26/09/2024) at 11:30 am. I will report as soon as it has been completed.

My study whilst waiting at the hospital 

Click name to be linked to report


Key elements
  1. Focus on a diet rich in proteins and healthy oils
  2. Avoid refined carbohydrates (bread, baked goods), alcohol, and sugars
  3. Seaweed is an excellent source of iodine. Iodine will replenish your thyroid which is crucial to recovering from radiation poisoning.

This was a very quick shop. It is not perfect but everything on the list has a specific purpose.

Seaweed is naturally high in Iodine which is a very important nutrient to resolve radiation poisoning

Key Points To Eliminate Radiation Poisoning
  1. DO NOT charge your phone and hold it or be within 0-5 meters of it at the same time
  2. Do not sleep with your phone on your bed or beside you
  3. Be careful about carrying your phone.
  4. DO NOT touch an EFTPOS Terminal. "Tap and GO" only
  5. Avoid touching the desk where an LED display or EFTPOS terminal is located

Radiation from new EFTPOS machines.
According to the Commission of the European Community and British Standards, it will be fine to put this EFTPOS machine into your baby's crib.
According to them, there is no harm from this level of RF exposure.

6. To get rid of radiation poisoning, you must remove yourself from anywhere radiation is occurring.

7. Swimming in a large body of fresh or sea water will help. 
8. Do not swim in a chlorinated pool.
9. Cold showers can help BUT if your environment is high in EMF, you will pick up the EMF again very quickly.
10. Switch off as much electrical equipment and power outlets as possible.
11. Switch off and unplug as many light bulbs as possible to reduce the EMF production.

Are the VAX Injured suffering from EMF Pollution?

We will know in 2 hours.

UPDATE 14:13 hrs

When the power was switched off, the EMF issue went away.
But with the 'analog' meter installed, the EMF came back.

This concludes to one result:
The EMF is coming from the Scientific and Industrial WIFI MESH system and that is being driven down the powerlines since 2020.
