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Is EMF Radiation causing Long Covid?

Is this the cause of Long Covid?

TOPIC 1: The 2020 rollout of the 5G Industry and Scientific Mesh Network System in New Zealand

Thank goodness for Covid and the lockdowns because if it wasn't for these events, we may have all noticed the new infrastructure being installed in our homes, buildings, and roads!

New equipment installed while we were in lockdown.

Since 2020, the very beginning of Covid, and during the lockdowns, the new 5G Industry and Science WIFI Mesh Network system has been in progressive deployment 


Through your electricity supplier, your new 'Smart Meter' connects your house to this network.

Effectively, your household wiring system and smart equipment such as smart phones, now act as nodes within this new network. Any smart device connected to the electrical supply will emit very large amounts of harmful radiation. For example, the following video shows the normal EMF radiation emitted by your cellphone when now being charged.

Imagine: You are in bed, your phone is beside you, and you are charging it. While you and your children sleep, you are exposed to 8 or more hours of very high levels of harmful radiation.

What is the safe distance?

According to New Zealand’s Centre of Excellence for Power Engineering, at 1 metre away, you are receiving 100% of the radiation.

TOPIC 2: What is a similar level of Radiation?

As a comparison, here is a radiation reading from a WIFI router.

It is the same as your smartphone when it is charging.

TOPIC 3: NZ Health And Safety Requirements for the Safe Use of EMF Devices

The New Zealand Standard is:

Limits under NZS 2772.1:1999
NZS 2772.1:1999 sets basic restrictions on the amount of radiofrequency power that can be absorbed by the body. This is measured as the specific absorption rate (SAR) – the rate at which radiofrequency radiation is absorbed in the body, measured in Watts per kilogram (W/kg).

Under NZS 2772.1:1999, for exposures of the public the SAR averaged over the whole body must be less than 0.08 W/kg. When using a transmitter close to the body (for example, a cellphone), localised increases of up to 2 W/kg over any 10 g of body tissue are allowed.

The limits for the general public are stricter than for occupational exposures. Public exposures are set at levels more than 50 times lower than the recognised threshold for established effects.

All readings are far in excess of this standard and the law has been broken.

TOPIC 4: EFTPOS Terminal Radiation

This is an old EFTPOS Terminal radiation level = 0

New EFTPOS Terminal radiation transfer to reception desk

TOPIC 5: What Does EMF do to the body?

  1. Exposure to very high RF intensities can result in heating of biological tissue and an increase in body temperature. 

  2. Tissue damage in humans could occur during exposure to high RF levels because of the body's inability to cope with or dissipate the excessive heat that could be generated.

TOPIC 6: Which Organ is Going to be Most Affected?

The hypothalamus is located in the middle of your brain. It regulates everything about your health and wellbeing. It is this that will be most affected by consistent levels of high radiation exposure. It's temperature will increase, which is a serious issue because it can't regulate itself, will overheat and in the long term, result in damage.

Common symptoms of hypothalamus damage include:

  1. Fatigue and/or insomnia
  2. Muscle weakness
  3. Headache
  4. Frequent thirst and/or dehydration
  5. Unexplained weight loss or gain
  6. Changes in appetite or poor appetite
  7. High or low blood pressure
  8. Frequent urination
  9. Loss of vision
  10. Infertility

TOPIC 7: What are the symptoms of Long Covid?

Symptoms of long COVID


  1. extreme tiredness (fatigue)
  2. feeling short of breath
  3. problems with your memory and concentration ("brain fog")
  4. heart palpitations
  5. dizziness
  6. joint pain and muscle aches
  7. loss of smell
  8. chest pain or tightness
  9. difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
  10. pins and needles
  11. depression and anxiety
  12. tinnitus, ear-aches
  13. feeling sick, diarrhoea, stomach aches, loss of appetite
  14. cough, headaches, sore throat, changes to sense of smell or taste
  15. rashes

TOPIC 8: What are the symptoms of EMF Radiation Poisoning?

Symptoms of radiation sickness may include:

  1. Dermatological symptoms (redness, tingling, and burning sensations) 
  2. fatigue
  3. tiredness
  4. concentration difficulties
  5. dizziness
  6. nausea
  7. heart palpitation
  8. digestive disturbances


In late 2019, Covid was recognised as causing the flu like symptoms that our natural immune system was going to have difficulty coping with. 

In 2020, the Industry and Scientific WIFI Mesh system was rolled out without too much media coverage, and there was no Health and Safety advice presented to the public to be careful.

In 2020 onwards, the mysterious 'Long Covid' symptoms were discovered.

Is long covid actually EMF Radiation Poisoning?

I am off to the Hospital to find out because I am sick and I know that if they can fix me, everyone else can be fixed.
