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As a hobby, I study psychology. It's like learning the game of chess. Psychology is a mental strategy of development and survival, and people learn to create their own psychology as they grow, be it good or bad. As they do, they use their psychology on you.

The ultimate weapon for destroying the opponent's claim, is to say they are crazy or in other words, psychosomatic; All in the head. A manifestation of a delusional mind.

To say such a thing to someone who is unsure of their facts can be devastating. It can make them question everything they know and believe in. It can even damage them forever.

Another psychosomatic effect is; "The Placebo Effect". This is when a person's physical or mental health appears to improve after taking a placebo or 'dummy' treatment.

As per a Harvard Medical review of Placebo, they found placebo can account for up to 50% results in drug trials. However they then go on to theorize that drugs work whilst placebos don't. 

Of course, theories without conclusive evidence are themselves academically psychosomatic, based on the researcher's frame of mind and objective of study at the time. When your only goal is to 'debunk' something, you are already in the psychosomatic world of make believe and best guesses.

In my opinion, to discredit another valid theory is itself, all in the mind of the accuser and therefore a psychosomatic condition. To avoid this, you must be open to both sides of the debate.

To accommodate for the one sided mental disorder, people have invented a recognition technique of medals, awards, honors, accolades, and titles. Many are well deserved but others are simply a way to resolve the issue of a collapsed mental state. For example, a failed drug rollout can be washed away from the minds of the perpetrators by simply giving them a title. "Don't worry about the harm you have done, here is a gong and a title to keep your in the group."

Do not get me wrong, many people are deserving of their accolades and my deepest respect goes to them for doing well. However, with every true hero, there are those who simply do not deserve the title they have been given. The honor bestowed upon them is simply a psychological trick.

PhD Conflicts of Interest

If I am asked by a university to produce a PhD thesis on a subject that they are interested in.
And their expectation is that I will come to the conclusions they require.
That if I do not come to their conclusions, I won't get my PhD
Does that create a mental state in the production of the thesis?

Yes it does. It creates a 100% psychosis.

Of course the thesis will be peer reviewed but if the university is allocating who will do the peer review, is there not a conflict of interest? Has this study been manipulated psychologically? Yes it has. Can we trust the outcome? No we can't.

The Psychology of People In Power

The psychology of people in positions of power will change in an instant!

When I was growing up, Margaret Thatcher was the British Prime Minister during 1979 to 1990.

She was know as the 'Iron Maiden' and many people I grew up with, did not like her.
She was doing her best but she ignored the feelings of the people I knew.
She had some very unusual ideas but what is important to realise is that Margaret took the top job in a male dominated government. Good on her for taking on the challenge and I have great respect for her. 
It is not that she made any better or worse decision than anyone else but entwined in here character was a female methodology and this is of interest to me.

She would have received many upsetting remarks, looks, and gestures. It would destroy her on a daily basis BUT like many politicians, she had a very thick skin and the eventual decision making process would come down to logical analysis.

The average person may use feelings and logic to make a decision. However, when your feelings are getting hurt all the time, you will learn to ignore these and only go with logic.

Logic looks like:
  1. A virus is on it's way
  2. It may kill a lot of people
  3. The modelers (best guess) say that up to 60% of people will survive if the population takes drug X whilst 40% may perish. 
  4. However with no drug, the death rate could be as high as 50%, 10% more than if we take the drug
If this is the only logic we assess, then society will have to take the drug and all other thoughts will be ignored.

When we look at this logic, the drug is going to be mandated so that the modeler's predictions can be mapped and seen to be accurate. Such a simple understanding of 'logical analysis' BUT it is flawed by the psychology of all the people involved in the analysis and their 'personal objectives'.

To understand why New Zealand took the untested drug, and ignored any cure or other person's point of view, you will need to understand the psychosis of 'Imposter Syndrome'.

Imposter syndrome (IS) is a behavioral health phenomenon described as self-doubt of intellect, skills, or accomplishments among high-achieving individuals and our Prime Minister during Covid had this condition as can bee seen in her interview below.

During Covid, Jacinda did not understand the drug or any other option. She simply took the information supplied and deployed it without compassion or understanding for anyone else.

But then one day, a rugby game was announced and all the safety, locking people up, and social distancing ended. It was not that the pandemic was over.

Suddenly covid no longer mattered and from that point on, covid went rampant through New Zealand.
That is how 'imposter syndrome' works. You have no real understanding of something and are easily swayed by the opinions and directions of others.

This image is taken from my post in June 2022.

Notice the comment above: 'mRNA Uptake is Low and Falling.' The main concern for the day and how could it be resolved?

On this occasion, Jacinda was not worried about covid. It looked more like she was worried that people were avoiding the jab and so she orchestrated society to get infected.

You may recognize that facts were no longer important. Only the psychological goal of scaring people and encouraging more uptake of the costly ineffective drug which sat in stores and were about to expire. Would not look good for re-election.

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

I have experienced first hand what exposure to 'non-ionizing radiation' does to a person.
However the WHO and MOH don't recognise the condition. They don't treat you and simply label you as psychosomatic.

It is strange that symptoms of Long Covid and Electromagnetic Radiation are so similar. They must both be psychosomatic.

I wish my skin could see a shrink. Luckily I don't suffer imposter syndrome or any other psychosis that I am aware of. Instead I use rationalised logic. The most important thing to know about EMF is that in all cases, EMF reduces your immune systems ability to protect you and resolve medical and psychological conditions (Gold Standard Fact). Our exposure to high levels of EMF started at the exact same time as Covid (2020). Coincidence? Who knows but our health system completely ignores the medical condition but recognises Long Covid. Is this a simple oversite or a deliberate error? The majority of people affected will be older and pensioners are a burden on the tax system and society according to millennials of which Jacinda is one. Was she influenced by the safety of people, or was she influenced by the money the government would save if a million OAP were to suddenly be taken off the pensioner books?

According to the Impostor Syndrome knowledge of Jacinda, "The problem wasn't a virus. The problem was the 'unvaccinated'.

It is very interesting to note that the recognised death toll due to covid is separated by retirement age.


I am not saying that the covid rollout was a method of reducing the elderly population but it is important to realise that this was the second version of Covid.

SARS-CoV-1 was a smaller event that impacted a different demographic than the V2

SARS-CoV-2 was the second version of Covid and it affected the elderly more so than the young.
It is interesting that the majority of deaths were in the retired. 
Each death is a tragedy and as a unavoidable side event, a monetary win for government.

If my experience with EMF is anything to go by, then there are a lot more problems on the way for the elderly as EMF is on the increase. (4G > 5G > 6G > 7G) 
All radiation is accumulative so as you progress, no matter what your age or health, as you get older, radiation will be a serious accumulating health hazard. However, our medical system thinks radiation is psychosomatic so don't expect radiation treatment for your illness. Expect drugs and psychotherapy instead.

How else could you reduce people's life span?

I am not saying this is the case but there are many curious events happening in society that are challenged by Gold Standard Facts, but ignored through the criminal act know as incitement and coercion. These potentially criminal acts are executed by individuals elected or placed into power. 
Their psychology appears to be to ignore absolute facts, and go with the commercially rewarding activity. Strangely enough, these people seem to end up with a great deal of money, social standing, and lucrative retirements.

All of the following could reduce your longevity by a substantial factor.
  1. Folic Acid
  2. Fluoride
  3. Remove animal protein sources from the food supply which contain Taurine and K2
  4. Move people onto low protein sources such as vegetable protein or dehydrated insects
  5. Radiation
  6. Change the structures of Society
  7. Destroy family structures and place young children out of parents hands and into caregivers
  8. Confuse under 7 year old's EGO and sexuality understanding
  9. Undermine their social and faith structures
  10. Separate society
  11. Undermine emotional stability
  12. Increase prices
  13. Remove mobility
  14. Increase rates and essential services
  15. Remove cash
  16. Establish control
  17. Don't treat medical conditions correctly
  18. Deploy more drugs
  19. Inject hidden messages into media and control the narrative.
I am not about to suggest any criminal behavior or psychological events have happened. You can judge that for yourself.

What to do if you are sick

My suggestion: If you have long covid or are feeling sick, review your exposure to EMF. I have reduced mine significantly and my recovery is proceeding well without medical intervention of any type.

In my home where the EMF is, I was waking up at 7:00 am and feeling exhausted. Now sleeping at the bottom of the garden I wake up at 4:30 am with tons of energy and a bright day ahead.
