Long Covid and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity look to have the same Medical Symptoms
Point 1: Powerlines are safe because they use no Radio Waves
EMF from powerlines are considered safe because they have no radio waves.
If they did have radio waves, according to the MOH and WHO, they could present health issues but we have no such issues in our health system - apparently.
Point 2: Smart Meters Use Radio Waves
Smart Meters use a cellphone chip and transmit data every 30 minute, so therefore, Radio Wave dangers exist. https://www.ea.govt.nz/your-power/meters/
According to the WHO, the sickness created by over exposure to radio waves is Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
Point 3: What are the symptoms of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
The symptoms most commonly experienced include
- dermatological symptoms (redness, tingling, and burning sensations)
- neurasthenic and vegetative symptoms
- fatigue
- tiredness
- concentration difficulties
- dizziness
- nausea
- heart palpitation
- digestive disturbances
Point 4: What are the symptoms of long covid?
Apart from redness and tingling of skin, the symptoms of Long Covid and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity appear to be exactly the same.
Is long covid caused by the rollout of Smart Meters?
I have asked.
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